About Me

Full Name

Dr. Aris Sterodimas

Phone Number


Job Title

Plastic Surgeron


Dr Aris Sterodimas is the Head of the Plastic Surgery Department of METROPOLITAN General Hospital, in Athens, Greece. He is the director of Regenerative Surgery Lab in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and he is considered as the pioneer of adipose stem cell application in the field of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery.Dr. Sterodimas is an active member of the ISAPS, IPRAS,HESPRAS, AeXPI, PIA. He has published 60 peer reviewed articles and has contributed in the writing of 20 book chapters. He is a reviewer for Aesthetic Surgery journal (ASJ), Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Journal (PRS), Aesthetic Plastic Surgery journal (APS) and Annals of Plastic Surgery journal. He is invited to perform live surgeries, demonstrating his cutting edge techniques in order to educate his colleagues around the world on regenerative medicine. Dr. Aris Sterodimas has written textbooks on regenerative medicine and adipose derived stem cells, ‘Adipose Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine.

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